My Story.
BirdClan comes from my ancestors. I am a descendant of the great Chief White Bird from the the Cherokee Nation. White Bird lead our people from 1828-1866, and was the longest standing principle chief. My people are known as the Tsalagi (principle people). We thrived for many years on the sacred land we called home in the Carolinas. We had plantations, our own written language, government, and set of spiritual principles. In 1830, President Jackson prompted Congress to put forth the Indian Removal Act and forced Natives off their ancestral home lands. Many bands of the Cherokee came together to fight in the Supreme Court, and the courts ruled in favor of the Cherokee. Jackson replied saying, "Let the Supreme Court enforce the decision," and then sent soldiers to relocate my people to Indian Territory. Many died on the long walk -- This is why it's called the Trail of Tears. We are still here and known as one of the biggest tribes.
United we stand divided we fall.